Friday, December 08, 2006

Baby # 3

So we had sat on this news for 7 long weeks, with me feeling like crap and Raff feeling like some kind of stud, no doubt.
I did the pregnancy test on a Wednesday afternoon - Charlotte was asleep and Ella was at kindy - I then proceeded to walk around in a daze for a couple of hours. Alternating between extreme happiness and mini panic attacks. My overwhelming thought was of the labour and delivery, yet I had totally forgotten about the first trimester....nausea, tiredness, food aversion, dizziness, vagueness, exhaustion, bloating, hunger, frustration and sleepiness.

My iron levels were already below normal at the beginning of the pregnancy, so straight onto iron supplements for me. Yay.

On the Monday night before mum and dad came home I had a chat to Ella about having another baby. We talked on and off in general terms and then just as I was about to leave the room she asked 'How do you know that a baby is in your tummy? Do you have to wait for it to start kicking you?' So I touched briefly on pregnancy tests etc.

Come 6:30am Tuesday morning, a little voice next to my pillow says 'Mum, you should come and do one of those wee tests' So I did. I gave Ella strict instructions not to look at the test until the timer beeped, and made sure that she understood that 2 pink lines meant 'baby!' and left her to it. She was sooooo rapt to be able to come and tell me that I had a baby in my tummy. ("I reeeaaalllly want a brother, but I know that you don't get to choose and if it is a sister then I will love her so, so much. But I reeeaallly want a brother....")

So that's it. A new baby for us due sometime around the end of June next year.
How exciting!


Nana Gabe said...

wow! Raff is truly a stud now ... even with the long hours he is putting in to make a better life for all of them. Good luck with the house you will certainly be needing more room now. Dad and I are so pleased for you guys as we know how much you love your kids and you will be surprised to know you still have lots of love left for another. Just ask Rachel about that. Lucky kids even if they don't know it yet.

Nana Gabe said...

We hope you have plain sailing for this baby it is about time you have a pop out child. Why didn't Raff carry this one? We are so happy for you guys ...go girl.

Rachel said...

I'm so glad I won't be the only 'large family' in our family now! We're all above average. (Come on Adam and Eva, you've got to work fast to catch up!)

Adam and Eva said...

Guys that is fantastic! I dont know about catching up

steve and sue said...

OK, so what the hell have they put in the water up there?