Monday, January 28, 2008

Photo as promised

of our Lucy sitting up. She finds it so hilarious, as do her sisters. The world must look so different up right.

For Christmas Ella received a very cool Lego set.

Since Christmas she has been asking fairly regularly for us to build the Lego house, but it has always been at inopportune times, like at dinner time, or bed time, or while we are in the car to somewhere, or rushing out the door to an appointment, so my usual answer was 'Yep, sure, but not right now. We have the whole holidays to build it'
So of course, I realise on Thursday that the holidays are all but over, so when she asked me as I was walking around with a ridiculously overtired baby and two starving hungry children, contemplating what to cook for dinner at 5pm, I said yes. I strapped Lucy in to the Ergo (Have I mentioned the Ergo Lately? It's my favourite baby thing ever) I found some date scones in the freezer and declared them entree, cut up some apple and banana and started unpackaging the Lego.
It flashed me back to our childhood, constructing castles and spacecraft. I was trying to clue Ella in on the lingo '2by6thinwhite?'

It ended up being a few days effort as everyones patience wore thin after an hour or so at it, and I ended up finishing the last half of the roof all by myself (and loved it ;))

And it can be made in to two other models. I can only find one online. I look forward to demolishing the one we have done and attempting this next one. Maybe when Ella is back at school ;)

Oops, I came back in to plug the site that we bought the Lego from I had been unable to find any decent sets in the shops, but this site had the set for only $55 before Christmas.


Nana Gabe said...

Well done guys sometimes you just have to take that time out. You never regret it.The lego looks good. Brings back so many memories of 'wasted' afternoons. Not wasted just doing better things.You do such a great job of parenting. It seems like it goes on forever doesn't it? i remember years of Dad studying and working while i was home with you guys. We do survive.

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

Joel and Alexander love to do Lego together (I think that honestly, Joel loves it more!). I've been eyeing off that Lego house for ages now. But every time I show them, they go "Yeah. It's great" and end up getting some car or truck or motorbike. *sniff*. I want the pretty house!

How old is Lucy now?

Nicole S said...

Lucy is just over 7 months now - and delicious!

Lego really does seem to be marketed at boys, doesn't it?

Raff still has Lego from when he was a kid - all in mint condition in the packaging stil ... *geek*