She got very stuck, as she had her hand on some of the kids toys outside and refused to let them go. I ended up having to rush out the front door and run around the back and drag her through. It was very funny!
Also this one is a classic Lucy face.
She is a cheery little vegemite. She doesn't really cry that much. I mean, she is hurting herself all the time at the moment - banging her head, falling over things, flipping backwards, just your general run-of-the-mill learning to move type incidents, which always bring a wail of shock. She has caught the cat a few times which hasn't ended well, but overall she is just a happy kid. Loves to watch her sisters do their thing.
She has started venturing further away from us now and we really can't rely on her being on the general vicinity of where we left her nowadays. She is still commando crawling, but today she took 3 knee-steps (?) and she spends a huge amount of time on her hands and knees trying to get it all together.
I had a day yesterday with just Lucy from 9 am until 5pm. It was really lovely and hit me how much I like her. I mean, from the second I saw her (even before) I have been head over heels in love with her, which is no great surprise. But I really like her and like being with her, and we have so much fun! She is wild and cheeky and her personality is just shining. Such a fun age.
It's weird. Babies are just such time guzzlers, between breast feeds (6+ a day at this age), solids prep and cleaning up the highchair and floor (3 times a day), settling (patting, rocking, singing) to sleep for two naps a day plus bedtime, 6+ nappy changes each day etc etc, but I like it all. I really like breastfeeding her, I love watching her try new foods (tonight was squash - she loved it!) I love watching her drift off to sleep. I even like nappy changes! Well, with nappies like these or these or even nappy covers like these why wouldn't you?
Things I like about Lucy
She closes her eyes as I come to blow a raspberry on her belly - she knows my hair is going to get in her eyes.
She giggles till she snorts.
She sees my hand coming in for a tickle and she is in hysterics at the anticipation of it all. I don't even have to touch her.
She gives me a quick glance before she offers a smile to anyone new (or even mum and dad) just to check that I approve of this person.
Her whole body pumps with excitement when she sees the cat. The cat flirts with her too, just out of reach.
She has a funny little laugh when she sees us trying to teach her something new - like waving, or clapping or signing 'more'
The goosey look she gets on her face when both Raff and I are standing next to each other in front of her, her eyes flicking from one of us to the other and back again. She knows she is ours.
When she sleeps in our bed, in the morning when she wakes, she goes from a deep sleep to instantly awake and rolls straight over to Raff and starts patting him on the back 'hello'
The extra speed she gets in her legs when she sees that we have accidently left the big girls door opened, closely followed by the mini-tantrum thrown when I can still beat her to the door and shut it - too many little things to choke on in that room!
My most favourite thing this week is the cuddles she gives my mum :)