Thursday, February 01, 2007

Meet Sprout

We had our ultrasound today. You know what that means? We are at the halfway mark of this pregnancy. Quickest pregnancy in history, I say.
Ella came along with us and she did enjoy it, but I am glad I packed enough snack and drinks and books for her to look at during the boring moments.
For some reason the baby has been named Sprout, it has just kind of stuck. We have never been ones for cutesie names for foetuses, but Sprout it is.
And nope, we didn't find out the sex. I am always sooooo tempted to peek as the sonographer scans down the body, but always look away at the last minute.

All seems well, I have an appointment with the midwives on Tuesday, so I suppose we will find out for sure then.

I will leave you with this photo of what us Aussies have to do to keep cool in these times of droughts and water restrictions.


Rachel said...

How nuts am I? That picture of Sprout made me teary. After how many of them you'd think I'd be over it. How exciting!

Nana Gabe said...

Brussel is looking good. What a fantastic photo. Please send some rain over Guys.

Adam and Eva said...

My goodness Sprout has your nose.