Thursday, October 11, 2007

More photos by Phillippa

I had some more photos taken of my girls last week. The disk arrived today and the phots are gorgeous. Phillippa is a mum that I have met through an online parenting forum. She is not a 'professional' photographer as such, but she aims to be. I have offered my children as guinea pigs along with a small fee to cover her expenses and time. The girls were wonderfully behaved. Lucy was in her happy awake period and it all came together really well. It was still really difficult to get the three of them together, as Charlotte just loves to lean over Lucy continually, so a lot of the photos have her covering (or is that smothering!?) Lucy.
These are a few of my favourites.


Nana Gabe said...

Wow !They are gorgeous photos.

Lee said...

Beautiful :)