Monday, August 07, 2006

farewell and bon voyage

So that's that.
Two years (though we all put in our bets on how long Adam and Eva will really be gone for!) without our little brother and his beautiful wife. It was a lovely day with a leisurely build up to their departure. Brunch at a well chosen cafe - complete with couches for the kidlets to lay all over - was the start. Many gorgeous photos, 20 degree sunshine and a chance to check out Adelaide's huge new airport.

We had tears from the mums of course and Grandchild#2 Bethany had a huge tearfest. We sat and watched the final take-off. I hope they saw us waving madly!

Funnily enough after all that it was the text message to say they were in Sydney that got me in the end......
I am just so glad that we live in the technological era that we do, and they are really only ever an email/blog entry/SMS away. Our children will always 'know' their Aunt and Uncle.

1 comment:

Linda J. Meikle (Former Linda Cash) said...

Bye-Bye. Safe Journey!

"Dusty Angels and Old Diaries" by Linda Meikle.